Baton Rouge RC Club Newsletter – Oct. 2005

PRESIDENT – Bob McMillan
VICE PRESIDENT – Charlie Dedon
SECRETARY – Willard Beard
EDITOR – Jimmy Lyon – Tel. (225) 753-4637 ([email protected])

NOTICE – The next meeting of the BRRC Club will be Tuesday, Oct 4th at the Greenwell Springs Road Library at 7:00 PM


The President and Vice President were absent for this meeting.  They requested the Secretary to conduct the meeting in their absence.  The meeting was called to order by the Secretary at 7:02 PM.

The Secretary read the minutes from last months meeting.  All members present approved them. The Treasurer gave his report, which was approved by the members present. The Field Committee chairman was absent but the condition of the field was reported to be good.  Mike Goetzman went to the filed before the storm and stored everything.  Several people have been to the field since the storm passed and report that everything is in good condition.  The airplane on the telephone pole at the entrance to the drive was blown down.

Mike Goetzman, our safety officer, did not have any events to discuss for our field.  He did read a letter from AMA regarding safety in general.  Willard mentioned that the road construction has made access to our driveway hazardous.  We need to take extra precautions to make sure we enter and leave the field safely.


Charlie still has fuel available and Vic still has a number of hats available.

Lee Boutwell gave us a recap of the events scheduled for the remainder of the year.  Butch is scheduled to host our next family day on Oct. 22.  He presented the rules for the two events he plans.  The first is a climb and glide and the other is a 3-ring circus.  These events should be fun.

Lee reminded us that Bomber Field is scheduled for Sept. 16 - 18.


New members – Mike Kee applied for membership.  Mike is a member of the AMA and Red Stick.  All members present approved him.

The Library room reservation packet was turned in to the library to reserve our meeting room for next year.  Our July meeting will be held on July 11 since the first Tuesday of July is the 4th and a holiday.  The library will be closed. Mike had a letter from the AMA advising that some 1500 AMA members may have been adversely affected by the storm.  They were attempting to link people who might be able to help with members who needed help.  If you are interested in providing shelter or other assistance to any of the AMA members needing assistance, please get with Mike.
Mike Goetzman moved that we open our field to any AMA member that has lost the use of  his home field.  The motion stated that a BRRCC member must be present and this open offer is good through the end of the year.  The motion was discussed and approved by a majority of the members present.

Farley said that he thinks a work party is needed to spruce up the field.  He said the tables need to be painted, the sign repaired and things in general need to be cleaned up.

Farley moved that we send Mrs. Kissner, who had a stroke and is now at home, a houseplant not to exceed $50.  The motion carried and B. C. will handle it for us.