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Joined: 7/1/2010
Posts: 3

Training Program

7/24/2010 11:03 AM

I know that everyone is busy but is there someway that we could come up with a list of trainers that will be at the field on weekends or during the week. if we had a list of times and dates it would be easy for us to contact them and let them know we will be there.
Randy Polk 978-8800

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Joined: 5/3/2010
Posts: 11

Re: Training Program

7/31/2010 9:10 PM

Sunday AM, early. We'll launch that puppy and get you some trigger time...
Jeff - Fly it like it's somebody elses...

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Ted M

Joined: 4/29/2010
Posts: 5

Re: Training Program

8/10/2010 9:20 PM

Randy if you look on the web site under club information tab, then click on club documents, then click on Red stick r/c club instructors & intro pilot there is a list of instructors and phone numbers. hope this helps

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Joined: 9/23/2010
Posts: 2

Re: Training Program

9/23/2010 10:34 PM

WOW can i come to with my helicopters or just to LOOK this is david