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DA-50 & DLE-55

5/10/2010 8:17 PM

ICan anyone tell me if these two engines have the same mount measurements. I have a plane that had a DA-50 on it and I'd like to use an engine that has the same exact mount pattern.
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Re: DA-50 & DLE-55

7/18/2010 1:31 AM

Tom, I'm Pretty sure they are the same, I have checked the Flying Giants forums and they have all said its the same.
1 Thing to note is that the distance of the carb. is different from the DA-50 and the DLE-55, so you will need to use different length stand-offs.

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Re: DA-50 & DLE-55

5/15/2010 8:02 PM

Thanks, longer stands offs or cut an opening to accomodate the carb.
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Re: DA-50 & DLE-55

7/19/2010 2:55 PM

...orrrrr, space the standoffs...
Jeff - Fly it like it's somebody elses...