
DLE 20cc on the horizon
7/16/2010 11:49 AM
For you guys who are tired of Glo fuel prices, there's a
new DLE 20cc, beam mount, rear carb being tested, now.
Suppose to be a drop in replacement for 90/120s. Pretty
good discussion on RCU about it. Personally, I'm pumped!
Jeff - Fly it like it's somebody elses...

TIRe: DLE 20cc on the horizon
5/18/2010 4:19 PM
It's about time, I'll post a link to the tread so we can
keep track of this. Got a couple of planes in mind for
that setup. Got a great aluminum mount with rubber
insolation at the firewall to use with also.
Fly it like you stole it!

Re: DLE 20cc on the horizon
7/18/2010 1:31 AM
The link is: http://www.rcuniverse.com/forum/m_986...
Fly it like you stole it!

Re: DLE 20cc on the horizon
7/19/2010 4:08 PM
...and here's a link to the latest test video. Plane is 8
www.youtube.com/watch Jeff - Fly it like it's somebody

Re: DLE 20cc now available
10/19/2010 2:36 PM
Just to update, the DLE 20 is on the market and available
from several suppliers...
Jeff - Fly it like it's somebody elses...