
Computer Enabled Battery Chargers
5/1/2010 11:28 PMI am considering purchasing a new battery charger which will include direct computer control and logging capabilities. Has anyone had experience with such a charger and does it seem to be worth the additional cost over a straight non-logging charger? Merv

Re: Computer Enabled Battery Chargers
5/1/2010 11:37 PM
will you be charging lipos or just nimh/nicad? If you are
only planning on chragng NIMH/NICAD than I have a duratrax
ICE charger that I'm looking to sell for about $50.00 it
has graphing and logging on their. Another great overall
charge is the sky cahrger from hobbypartz (hobbycity also
has one that is very similiar):
http://www.hobbypartz.com/skychb6chdup.html This will
charge lipo batteries as well and has output logging to a
computer. A computer charger is definatley the way to go,
they are very accurate have built in balancers for lipo
and generally take up less space than old school analog

Re: Computer Enabled Battery Chargers
5/1/2010 11:53 PM
Yes, I would like to handle Lipos with teh same unit. It
would be great if it could set the voltage at 3.8V/cell
for optimum storage as well.
Ahsan, It looks like this thread should be under the power
systems heading. Can it be moved?

Re: Computer Enabled Battery Chargers
5/2/2010 1:36 AM
Sounds good Merv, it has been moved. That charger that I
sent a link to well work for you, it has the ability to
set the lipos to charge mode. Here is the link again:
NOTE: Merv you have been added as an editor and can now
moderate the forums/edit post or even move them as well
Thanks Ahsan