
5/10/2010 8:17 PMhelo to all that flys in this hobby, i have talked to some one did not get it clear about the flying site in baton rouge la. what i need to know is can i join the club,i see that thers not meney helicopters in the club, i would relly like to get in there to get to a better place with my helicopters i have 2 and i need help i cant seem to be abel to find any body at the places i go to fly well try to fly, but i have been abel to lern a lot by myself PLEASE CAN SOMEONE HELP ME in baton rouge la i am willing to join i think it is 35 DOLLARS TO JION YOU CAN CALL me at 225-3572119 between the hours of 10am and 10pm i am all ways home

10/19/2010 2:14 PM
Go to the Club Information link and download "Club
Membership Policy" and "Club Membership Application".
Everything you need is in these documents. Then show up at
the field on Saturday or Sunday mornings and ask around.
Someone will be there to help...
Jeff - Fly it like it's somebody elses...